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Saturday November 6th | A free event from 10am - 4pm for all the family, brothers and sisters, literally anyone who needs a spiritual pick-me-up.

Reconnect with Surah Al-Fatiha in way you have never before

  • Your context matters, let’s apply each verse to the current mindsets we carry and the that healing our hearts need today

  • Unearthing more appropriate words in English for us to understand

  • Explore the arabic roots, word choice and word order to words to discover a field of flowers

  • Take a critical studies approach to tafsir. How to reconcile ALL praise owed to Allah (swa) while we see suffering and even traumas in our own communities and personal relationships

  • Meaningful prayer. Understand the oft repeated verse you recite on average 27times a day, 1400 times a year!

  • There’s mind full and there’s mindful, learn how to carry Al-Fatiha as an ever-present lens to take notice every moment of your life as a heightened experience

  • Human beings branch out into three timeless human archetypes upon which all spiritual, intellectual and psychological typologies emanate. Reflect on your states

  • Speaker

    Shaykh Moinul Abu Hamza

    Moinul Abu Hamza is an arabic instructor at the The Quran Institute. He is a qualified Mufti working as a pastoral carer in Al-Madad Outreach helping domestic violence victims and muslim couples. Before this, he was awarded his Alimiyyah Qualification under the tutelage of Sheikh Akram Nadwi at the Al-Salaam Institute which is authorised by Dar Al-Uloom Nadwatu Al-Ulama, Lucknow, India. He is currently the co-Headteacher at The Quran Academy with his wife Shaykha Nasima Umm Hamza

    Start Healing

    Take a share of the reward, donate to build community spirit. 

    “Sometimes, even if people around you aren’t in the wrong, you need space to grow outside of everyone’s shadow. You need a home away from home. And indeed when the home is broken, the community is a home for the vulnerable. When the society is broken the community is our space to cultivate, survive and revive”

    - Shaykh Moinul Abu Hamza


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